The evaluation is a unique type of test used to diagnose addiction and alcoholism. It is used throughout the state of Minnesota and is required for people seeking treatment before being admitted into rehab. The evaluation screens for addiction issues, which the medical community calls substance use disorders. During the evaluation, a series of questions will be asked by the clinician to better understand if a person is experiencing life problems related to there chemical use. The therapist will ask a lot of questions during the interview, ranging from questions on employment and legal history to substance use and medical information. The interview is structured in nature and the therapist generally follows a preplanned interview format. Oftentimes the therapist will be typing along or writing notes on a pad of paper to remember all that is said.
Chemical Dependency is a phrase used to signal that a person has developed an abnormal reliance upon a chemical - such as alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine. The person who is chemically dependent often reports an uncontrollable urge to continue to use their drug of choice. For example, a person dependent upon heroin may feel this urge every time he or she goes through opioid withdrawal. A secondary example is a person who feels it necessary to consume alcohol every time they have a panic attack. This abnormal reliance upon a drug often interferes with day-to-day functioning. A person may be using a substance every day to cope with a life stressor and may have a hard time maintaining a job or gets arrested for a DUI or DWI. In the past few years, the medical community has opted to phase out the phrase “Chemical Dependency” and instead prefers the term substance use disorders. The word “substance” is interchangeable with the drug of choice – so for example - a person with an addiction to alcohol may be diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder.
Substance abuse and addiction issues are treated by either medication, alcohol use disorder, and/or a combination of both. Research generally fins that a combination of both medication and counseling leads to the best treatment outcomes. Unfortunately, according to this in-depth report on the addiction treatment industry, only a fraction of individuals being treated in the United States receives evidenced-based medications or therapy.
It is imperative that you schedule your chemical dependency evaluation or rule 25 assessment with a highly trained therapist to greatly reduce your risk of being misdiagnosed or referred for ineffective treatment. Call the number below for an independent evaluation with a therapist that has advanced education and experience.